

1.Where is Kyoto ?

   Kyoto is located about for 2 hours and 10 min. by Nozomi Shin-Kan-Sen (Ballet train)
   from Tokyo to Kyoto .

    It is about for 15 min. by Shin-Kan-Sen from Shin-Osaka station of Osaka city .

    It is about for 3 hours from Takayama and for 2 hours from Kanazawa by
    JR local express train .

2.How is temperature?

          It is about 40C(105F) in summer season (Jul. and Aug.) .
          It becomes over 60C(140F) at the surface of road .

(  Gion Festival the highlight day of 19th of July)

It is about 0C(32F) in winter season ( Jan. and Feb.) .
There are some chances of snowing about 4 inches and accidentally 12 inches .

3.When is the cherry blossom season ?
          It is about the last week of March and the first week of April .

There are more than 100 types of cherry blossom trees are planted in Kyoto
so that people can enjoy cherry blossoms about for 2 weeks .
4.When is the red leaf season ?
  It is about November .